A recent study investigates the possible impact of sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages, such as sports drinks, on the male fertility. The authors of the study found that men who drink high volumes of sugar-sweetened beverages have lower sperm motility, i.e. their sperm do not swim as well. Although this correlation was found in men who are lean, these beverages did not seem to impact the motility in obese men. This drop in motility in lean men was seen more significantly in men who drank more than 2.7 sugar-sweetened beverages per day on average. Dr. Kavoussi will be discussing the findings of this study on KLBJ radio station.
Dr. Kavoussi states, “Men in the study who consumed high volumes of sugar-sweetened beverages were found to have lower levels of FSH hormone levels in the blood. FSH is the hormone that is made by the pituitary gland, the signaling center for the testicles. FSH signals the testicles to support sperm production. The association is that the lower FSH in men with higher sugar drink intake impacted their sperm.”
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