Fertility Mythbuster: A woman’s ovulation is the same every month.
Women who ovulate on a regular basis every month may do so on the same day of their menstrual cycle (for example, on day 14 of a 28 day cycle; however, the ovulation is not necessarily the “same” every month. If the woman has both of her ovaries, she may ovulate from the right ovary […]
FAQ: If a woman misses her period or has a history of abnormal menstrual cycles, can she still get pregnant?
A woman with infrequent or absent periods are able to become pregnant with her own egg as long as she is not of an age at which egg quality is an insurmountable concern and as long as she is not menopausal. The most common cause of infrequent or absent periods is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), […]
How old is too old to get pregnant? Dr. Shahryar Kavoussi discusses on the Fox 7 News show Good Day Austin.
In light of Janet Jackson’s recent announcement that she is pregnant, Dr. Shahryar Kavoussi is interviewed by Fox 7 News’ Amanda Salinas about how old it too old for a woman to become pregnant. The topic certainly is a challenging one with some arguments in favor of, and some arguments against, the idea of women […]
Lifestyle habits that optimize female fertility
What are some lifestyle habits that can optimize female fertility? Although fertility factors such as ovarian reserve, ovulation, tubal factor, male factor, uterine factor, endometriosis, and pelvic adhesions may be significant in a given case and it is important to evaluate and treat such factors, lifestyle habits can idealize outcomes. Body mass index (BMI): BMI […]
Uterine Septum Removal Found to Improve Fertility and Pregnancy Outcome
A uterine septum is a congenital uterine anomaly that is, in essence, an embryologic remnant within the uterus that did not resorb away as it does in most women. According to a systematic review in 2011, of women in the general population, 2.3% have a uterine septum and there is a similar percentage of 3% […]
FAQ: How good are the eggs from “egg freezing”?
Egg freezing, termed “oocyte cryopreservation”, is an option that is available for women in order to preserve their eggs for potential future use. The eggs from egg freezing are, at best, as good as they were prior to being cryopreserved. Younger women with good egg reserve parameters will obviously have “better” eggs. In the past, […]
Austin Fertility & Reproductive Medicine/Westlake IVF presents research findings that AMH predicts surplus good quality blastocyst cryopreservation at the 71st annual American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) meeting in Baltimore.
The medical and embryology teams at Austin Fertility & Reproductive Medicine/Westlake IVF, in a collaborative study with the medical and embryology teams at The University of Wisconsin – Madison Generations Fertility Care, presented research at the 71st annual American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) meeting in Baltimore on October 20th. “Our research showed that AMH […]
What happens post embryo transfer?
After embryo transfer, although it is not mandatory, we ask that our patients have a modified bed rest for 3 days. The patient continues estrogen and progesterone supplementation through the time of the pregnancy test and if the pregnancy test is positive and the pregnancy progresses well, she continues the estrogen and progesterone supplements through […]