Most recent take on endometrial scratching


To scratch or not to scratch:  that is the question.  Based on recent data, the current recommendation regarding endometrial scratching is not to scratch. Endometrial scratching involves the use of an endometrial biopsy sampler such as a pipelle, which is a straw-like apparatus that is thought to increase the rate of embryo implantation by remodeling […]

What does the egg freezing process involve?

Although the following are highlights of the process that are hopefully helpful in terms of providing a general overview, consultation with a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) provides more detailed information regarding the oocyte cryopreservation (egg freezing) process.  Female age and ovarian reserve testing are the two most important predictors of a successful egg freezing cycle.  Tests […]

How Preimplantation Genetic Testing Helps with Embryo Selection

Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) provides patients with the option to screen in vitro fertilization (IVF) created blastocyst stage embryos for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Screened embryos that do not have abnormalities have a higher likelihood of uterine implantation and pregnancy success. For those who want to know the gender, these tests can also identify the […]

Hydrosalpinx – How Blocked Fallopian Tubes affect Female Fertility


You may have heard people talking about ‘blocked tubes’ when they explain their female fertility problems. If a fallopian tube blockage is located at the distal end of the fallopian tube, which is located furthest from the uterus, and if the fallopian tube is distended by fluid that has accumulated within the tube as a […]

Fertility Myth Busters


With so much information about fertility it can be difficult to determine what is true or false. Here are a few misconceptions explained.   Myth 1:  Lie in bed with your feet in the air to increase chance of getting pregnant.  While this potential routine after intercourse may be ritualized for some couple who are […]

Is a Short Luteal Phase Affecting Your Fertility?


A short luteal phase or luteal phase defect may affect a woman’s fertility. If you have been having problems trying to conceive then it’s worth discussing the possibility of a short luteal phase with your doctor. What is a Short Luteal Phase? The luteal phase is the latter part of your menstrual cycle. It occurs […]

Dr. Shahryar Kavoussi co-authors review article on investigational medical therapies for endometriosis in the journal Seminars in Reproductive Medicine


“This article is a review article that provides an update regarding current research involving potential medical treatments for endometriosis,” states Dr. Shahryar Kavoussi.  “Our publication in the August 2017 issue of Seminars in Reproductive Medicine explores the mechanisms and possible future application of such medical treatments for endometriosis.  It was a great opportunity to work […]

Does Luteal Progesterone After Ovulation Induction and IUI Improve Fertility?


In an effort to improve success rates with ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI), some doctors and providers routinely prescribe progesterone supplementation to patients that undergo such treatments.  A recent study by Green et al, a systematic review and meta-analysis comprised of 11 randomized controlled trials (with a total of 2.842 patients that underwent a […]

Fertility Mythbuster: A woman’s ovulation is the same every month.


Women who ovulate on a regular basis every month may do so on the same day of their menstrual cycle (for example, on day 14 of a 28 day cycle; however, the ovulation is not necessarily the “same” every month.  If the woman has both of her ovaries, she may ovulate from the right ovary […]