Numerous chemical compounds found in plastic have been adversely associated with reproductive health. Some of these compounds are categorized as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which have the ability to disrupt hormone production and function. In particular, EDCs often interfere with processes dependent on androgens and estrogens, hormones crucial for male sexual development and functionality. Men exposed to BPAs consequently can have lower sperm count and concentration, vitality, and motility as well as altered morphology.
Although EDCs in the environment typically exist in trace amounts, people are increasingly exposed to various EDCs on a daily basis such as bisphenol A (BPA). This growing daily exposure to plastic compounds and EDCs may lead to synergistic or cumulative effects on the human body and its reproductive processes.
What is BPA?
Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates are among the most prevalent and widely recognized EDCs. BPA is used in making phenol resins, polyacrylics, polyesters, polycarbonate plastics, and epoxy resins. It can be found in many transparent and flexible plastic materials and various common household products like plastic containers, water bottles, food packaging, food can linings, and even dental fillings. BPA can seep into the environment and food products, leading to potential human exposure via ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact.
The Link between BPA and Male Infertility
Endocrine Disruption: BPA is known to be an endocrine disruptor by interfering with the body’s hormone system. It can mimic the effects of estrogen, a female hormone, which can negatively impact the male reproductive system by altering the balance of hormones that control sperm production and quality.
Sperm Quality: BPA exposure can lead to reduced sperm quality. Studies have shown that increased BPA levels are associated with lower sperm count, decreased sperm motility, and abnormal sperm morphology. This can lead to infertility issues and difficulties in successfully conceiving.
Testicular Health: BPA has been linked to testicular damage and can affect the structure and function of the testes, which can lead to further complications in male fertility.
DNA Damage: BPA can cause sperm cell DNA damage, resulting in an increased risk of birth defects and reproductive health issues in offspring.
What can be done to mitigate BPA’s impact on male fertility?
Mitigating the impact of BPA on male fertility requires a multi-faceted approach:
Reduce Plastic Usage: Minimize the use of plastic products in daily life. Opt for glass, stainless steel, or other non-plastic options for food and beverage storage.
Choose BPA-Free Products: When selecting plastic products, choose those labeled “BPA-free” to minimize exposure.
Eat Fresh and Organic: Consume fresh, organic foods, and avoid processed foods packaged in plastic or cans with BPA linings.
BPA represents a significant threat to male fertility. The disruption of hormonal balance, impact on sperm quality, and potential harm to the testes are all concerning consequences of BPA exposure. While the full extent of the problem is not yet known, taking proactive steps to reduce BPA exposure can help limit its impact on reproductive health and male fertility.
Further Reading:
BPA Tied to Decline in Male Fertility