The Global Andrology Forum is a network of experts from around the world in male reproductive medicine and science who work together to produce meaningful research in the field. Dr. Parviz Kavoussi is a member of this team and recently co-authored a study examining the consensus and diversity of the management of varicoceles in infertile men worldwide. A varicocele is an abnormal dilation of scrotal veins which has a damaging effect on testicular cells and male fertility and is present in 40% of infertile men. It is the most common correctable form of male infertility and Dr. Kavoussi treats multiple varicoceles week in and week out. This massive global survey demonstrates that worldwide there are discrepancies in practice patterns and a goal of this understanding should be to unify and standardize practice patterns based on the highest level of evidence. Dr. Kavoussi states, “I was surprised to find such a discrepancy in patterns by country when varicoceles are one of, if not the most targeted effective treatments for infertile men. Globally we need to do a better job coming together with understandings based on high levels of data in the existing medical literature.”