In order to offer the best treatment plan from a female fertility standpoint, the female patient’s age, medical and surgical history, time spent trying to conceive, as well as physical exam and ultrasound findings are important as part of data gathering and evaluation. Testing such as ovarian reserve assessment, hormone profile testing as well as the imaging study called hysterosalpingogram (HSG) are part of the basic female fertility workup. HSG is used in order to evaluate Fallopian tube patency as well as the shape of the uterine cavity. In combination with a male factor assessment of the female has a male partner/husband, the above factors are helpful in presenting fertility treatment options that are individualized.
A Reproductive Urologist specialized in male fertility looks at multiple pieces of data to assess a man’s fertility which will lead to the best treatment plan. It all starts with a thorough reproductive history and physical examination. This is followed with a semen analysis, and if there is a deficiency in semen parameters, a second semen analysis is typically obtained. Depending on the clinical assessment and semen parameters, the decision will be made if hormonal or genetic testing is needed and in certain cases higher levels of sperm testing such as antisperm antibody testing, sperm viability testing, or sperm DNA testing may be indicated. All of these tests are offered at Westlake IVF’s high level Andrology lab when such levels of testing are needed.