Varicoceles are abnormal dilations of veins around the testicle are the most common correctable cause of male infertility, which are found in 40% of men presenting for primary infertility evaluations (having never been able to achieve a pregnancy) and 80% of men with secondary infertility (men who did not have difficulty conceiving with their partner in the past but are having difficulty now). Varicoceles have a number of mechanisms by which they damage testicular cell function, primarily by exposing the testicle to increased temperatures constantly. There are multiple damaging effects that varicoceles can induce at tissue and cellular levels. Dr. Parviz Kavoussi co-authored a recent systemic review and meta-analysis on varicoceles increasing oxidative stress which increases damage to the DNA of sperm that can decrease pregnancy rates and increase miscarriage rates. Dr. Kavoussi states, “Traditionally the scientific focus of varicoceles impact on fertility has just been on overall semen analysis parameters such as sperm counts and motility, but higher levels of research is showing us the importance of the damaging effects of varicoceles on sperm health and the impact that in turn has on pregnancy and live birth rates.” Dr. Kavoussi repairs multiple varicoceles every week for infertile men with a minimally invasive, minor outpatient microsurgery with high levels of success rates.