Retrograde ejaculation is a disorder that results in a substantial redirection of semen backwards, so to speak, to the bladder, instead of going the correct direction outward through the urethra. There can be a number of causes of retrograde ejaculation such as pelvic/prostate surgery, pelvic radiation, uncontrolled diabetes, multiple sclerosis, retroperitoneal surgery, and certain medications. Dr. Parviz Kavoussi co-authored a study providing an overview of causes of retrograde ejaculation and its impact on male fertility, laboratory protocol to assess retrograde samples, clinical interpretation of the results and a rational approach to clinical management of retrograde ejaculation. Dr. Kavoussi states, “This was an important opportunity to be able to compile a single document that encompasses all of these important factors to help guide the evaluation and treatment of men with retrograde ejaculation contributing to the couples subfertility.”
To read the study, click here.