Varicocele NOA Review

Dr. Parviz Kavoussi authors review on varicoceles in men with sperm count of zero.

Approximately 15% of men in the general population have varicoceles, abnormally dilated veins around the testicle, and varicoceles are diagnosed in 40% of men presenting for fertility evaluations. One percent of men in the general population are azoospermic, which means they have a sperm count of zero, and 15% of men presenting for fertility evaluations are diagnosed with azoospermia. Dr. Parviz Kavoussi recently authored a review article assessing the impact of varicoceles on testicular function in men with azoospermia, the impact of varicocele repair on the semen parameters of azoospermic men, and the impact of varicocele repair on sperm retrieval and pregnancy outcomes when the male partner remains azoospermic after varicocele repair. Dr. Kavoussi states, “This is a very complex and critical scenario in male reproductive medicine with a decision-making process that can be difficult. The goal of this review was to assess the data available in the medical literature to help guide decision making for men in this situation.”

Read the entire study here.