Fertility Mythbuster: The Semen Analysis is a Perfect Predictor of Male Fertility.

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Historically for decades the best predictor of a man’s fertility has been his semen parameters.  These include semen volume, sperm counts, motility, and the morphology (percentage with normal appearance).  These are certainly the basics that need to be at certain levels to have reasonable odds at pregnancy, but more and more, we are learning that […]

National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) 2017


The 2017 theme for National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is “Listen Up!” This year NIAW runs from April 23 – 29, 2017. At AFRM we want to take this moment to spread awareness of infertility that affects millions and offer support to help those affected to reach their family building goals. NIAW is run by […]

Dr. Parviz Kavoussi lectures on his robotic vasectomy reversal experience at conference in Maastricht, Netherlands.


Dr. Parviz Kavoussi was invited to lecture on robot assisted microsurgical vasectomy reversal at the robot assisted microsurgical and endoscopic society (RAMSES) conference in Maastricht, Netherlands.  As he is one of the highest volume surgeons performing robotic vasectomy reversals in the world, he presented his outcomes data with excellent success rates for his patients and […]

The Male Factor in Fertility

We live in an incredible time for medicine. Recent advancements have allowed women of advanced maternal age to have babies, uterine transplants have been successfully performed on women who were born without them, and improvements in cryopreservation have led to more successful pregnancies after eggs and embryos have been frozen. You would think that we pretty much have infertility […]

A Few Amazing Sperm Facts

While sperm cells make up half of the formula for new life, people typically don’t give them much thought. However, there is a lot of interesting and even surprising information about sperm and semen, the fluid that surrounds it. Here is a look at some of the facts surrounding the male half of the reproductive […]

Fast Food is Not Good for Men’s Fertility


Modern life is busy; sometimes people just want a meal that is fast, affordable, and satisfying. This comes at a cost to our health. While fast food is certainly convenient, it is not health food. The effects of the drive-through extend far beyond the waistline, harming your cardiovascular system, kidneys, and more. New research suggests […]

Infertile Men More at Risk for Osteoporosis and Diabetes


Could disorders such as diabetes and osteoporosis affect men’s fertility? Many men who struggle with male infertility assume that their reproductive systems are at fault. However, the problem may be a much more pervasive one, affecting health through your entire body. Male infertility is the culprit in around 60% of infertility cases. According to Austin […]

Does Prior Male Fertility History Predict Future Fertility?

When we see a family with one child, we sometimes wonder when they will have another child, but what we may not realize is that it’s not always as easy to have a second child. Infertility can affect anyone at any point in life. Having successfully conceived one pregnancy is no guarantee of being able […]