Fertility Mythbuster: The Semen Analysis is a Perfect Predictor of Male Fertility.

DNA Fragmentation Halosperm-Austin-Fertility

Historically for decades the best predictor of a man’s fertility has been his semen parameters.  These include semen volume, sperm counts, motility, and the morphology (percentage with normal appearance).  These are certainly the basics that need to be at certain levels to have reasonable odds at pregnancy, but more and more, we are learning that […]

National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) 2017


The 2017 theme for National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is “Listen Up!” This year NIAW runs from April 23 – 29, 2017. At AFRM we want to take this moment to spread awareness of infertility that affects millions and offer support to help those affected to reach their family building goals. NIAW is run by […]

Dr. Shahryar Kavoussi Receives Patients’ Choice and On-Time Doctor Awards

Patients Choice On-Time Awards

Austin based fertility specialist, Dr. Shahryar Kavoussi is honored to be recognized for his work with patients. He is again a recipient of the Patients’ Choice Award for 2016, which distinguishes physicians who have made a difference in the lives of patients. This award is based on receiving near perfect scores, as voted by patients […]

FAQ: How common is vasectomy reversal?


Approximately, half a million men in the United States undergo vasectomy annually, and about 6% percent will choose to have their vasectomy reversed sometime in their lifetime. Learn more about the vasectomy reversal procedure.

The Connection Between Tomatoes and Male Fertility


Couples that are struggling with infertility are heartened when they hear about anything that may help them become parents. It seems that simple produce like the tomato may help to relieve some of the factors that cause male infertility.  Lycopene Is a Powerful Substance Studies are demonstrating that lycopene, a substance that makes some fruits and vegetables […]

Dr. Parviz Kavoussi lectures on his robotic vasectomy reversal experience at conference in Maastricht, Netherlands.


Dr. Parviz Kavoussi was invited to lecture on robot assisted microsurgical vasectomy reversal at the robot assisted microsurgical and endoscopic society (RAMSES) conference in Maastricht, Netherlands.  As he is one of the highest volume surgeons performing robotic vasectomy reversals in the world, he presented his outcomes data with excellent success rates for his patients and […]

Want to get pregnant? Could your weight be holding you back? | Raising Austin

UnknownA new study from the National Institutes of Health looked at 501 couples from Michigan and Texas from 2005 to 2009 who were trying to get pregnant. It had the women chart their monthly cycles, intercourse and results of home pregnancy tests. It also looked at the body mass index of the couples and compared non-obese women and men…