Tips for Couples to Maximize Their Fertility
Couples seeking fertility help to start a family should know that lifestyle, diet, and health can impact the ability to conceive. The steps that they take before, during and after fertility treatments may improve their odds of getting pregnant. The results of fertility treatments may be more positive when the couple keeps their overall health […]
Long term efficacy and safety of treatment for low T in a fertility preserving manner
A longstanding dilemma in male fertility is how to treat men with low testosterone in a manner that is not bad for their fertility. With the growing population of men in the US being diagnosed with hypogonadism (low testosterone) every year, a larger group of men in the age range where they still want to […]
Journal of Urology commentary on robotic vasectomy reversal
Dr. Parviz Kavoussi was one of the three selected specialists in robot assisted vasectomy reversal invited to write about the pros of this technique in an article in the medical journal Fertility & Sterility. The Journal of Urology recently published a commentary on this article commenting on robot assisted vasectomy reversal. Dr. Kavoussi, a renowned […]